i get very uncomfortable being in front of a camera. this is probably why i enjoy writing so much: it's behind the scenes and there are no filters. literally and figuratively.
i'm the only person on both sides of my family who has green eyes. one side of the family is entirely blue while the other side is dark brown. in the summer when i'm in the sun a lot, they turn this bizarre yellow-green color which can freak people out.
my earliest childhood memories are of me in the kitchen with my grandmother. she's an amazing cook and has a way of making it look so effortless and fun. i definitely developed my love of cooking from her and the countless hours spent in her kitchen cooking for our family. i'm really thankful for those memories.
i never wore lipstick until after i had marlo. i didn't have time for applying a bunch of products, nor did i care enough to try, so i went with one: red lipstick. minimal effort, maximum impact.
my biological father passed away four years ago on mother's day. we hadn't spoken since i was sixteen. i have a lot of conflicting emotions about this but not one of them is guilt.
i was born in jacksonville, florida. i moved with my mother to north carolina when i was four (possibly three) and i never lived anywhere else until joe and i moved to manhattan.
i found out i was pregnant at work. i told joe via text message. in my defense, i was stunned and absolutely unprepared. at the time, i didn't think finding out by way of text was any more awful than being subjected to peeing on a stick (and your hand). next time, i'll take the tests at home and be a little more personal and creative with my delivery.
for the longest time, i wanted to be a lawyer. and i would've been a great one. but then i realized how boring studying law was and i changed my mind. some days, i wish i would've stuck with it. other days- most days- i am very thankful that i listened to my gut.
my pet peeves include but are not limited to: the misuse of gender and sex; the misuse of they're, their, and there; someone telling me that it's nothing personal; drivers who find it acceptable to cruise along under the speed limit; intolerance in the name of tolerance; imitation and copycats.
i'm well-versed in pornography, prostitution, and the sex-trade. during my final semester of college, i took an independent study where i analyzed the roles of pornography and prostitution within modern day feminism and the affects that relationship has had on our sexual culture. i had to watch almost sixty hours of pornography ranging from the 1960's to present day and. oh man. mind blown.
you're absolutely stunning!
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