five things | life in dumbo thus far


1. one of the things that i love most about our little neighborhood is how much character has been left in tact after the developers came in and renovated everything. the warehouses are still standing strong and look so authentic. the streets are still paved with cobblestones and there are only stop signs, no stop lights. it doesn't feel like the new york that i knew in manhattan. it finally feels like MY NEW YORK. i still have so many oh-my-god-i-cannot-believe-that-i-live-here moments that i'm starting to wonder if i'll ever get used to it. or if i'll ever leave. sorry, mom and dad. brooklyn is winning. BIG time.

2. i have yet to hang a single picture or shelf. and, even more amazingly, i truly don't care. i mean, i care. i want this place to look amazing, of course. i just can't muster the concentration or energy to do it after marlo goes to bed. hopefully this weekend, after the jet lag wears off a bit, i'll get around to it. then again. i may just say, "fuck it."

3. speaking of cozy, our fabulous ink blue velvet sofa is being delivered tomorrow morning. you guys. i feel like a kid who just got visited by the tooth fairy the night before his birthday which just so happens to also fall on christmas. i've been waiting a long damn time for this sofa. my ass has plans of making imprints all winter. and for the rest of my life.

4. have i mentioned that we live right above a west elm AND and west elm MARKET? well, we do. and they know marlo and me by name. and in case anyone is in the market for barware, listen up: they're having a sale of twenty percent off all tableware, linens, and glasses for another few weeks and today i scored huge. four stemless white wine glasses, four stemless red wine glasses, six highball glasses, four regular wine glasses. how much? thirty eight dollars. boom. oh!! and their entire lighting section is also twenty percent off and i have my eye on this little badass piece of ceramic house of electricity.

5. i'm visiting the brooklyn flea this weekend for the first time ever. julie has warned me that it's incredibly over-priced- as is the rest of new york. but, i still think that it's somewhere you have to go when you live in new york. so that's what we're doing. but i'm going to make sure i drink a few glasses of wine first so my negotiation skills are at their best. i'm looking for a pair of mounted antlers, a vintage bar tray for our cute bar nook, and some vintage canisters for storing dry goods on our shelves. you know, those same shelves that i've yet to hang.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're settling in. If you don't find antlers at the flea Organic Modern has some cool antler paintings.

ss said...

I hear only the very best things about Brooklyn... I have three friends living there and have somehow never been! I'm pretty jealous of your flea market adventure, the ones here in Portland are good but you have to dig through all of the weird hippie garbage to get to the good stuff. xo


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