I haven't given this song a bit of thought since I lip-synched it in my after-school care program talent show when I was eight. But, given that TOMORROW is probably the biggest day that has happened to me thus far in my life, I felt it was appropriate.
I have some pretty strong feelings about what little baby f is. It's an instinct and gut feeling that I find hard to put into words other than to say that I feel like I already know my baby. Baby really likes belly rubs. Baby likes to party when I prefer to sleep. Baby is already stubborn and making momma proud and dad scared. Baby already knows when to lock it up and when to stay true to it's word.
True and funny (to me, at least) story: It was one of those rough days a couple weeks back that doesn't need a lot of detail. We'll just say that baby was not cooperating and I was feeling far less than stellar. When I feel bad, typically the only thing that makes me feel better is a really hot shower and a good karate-chop style back rub. So, I get in the shower, prepare myself for the upcoming dinner I'm supposed to be attending, and immediately feel like I'm going to faint from the nausea. I look down, put both hands on my belly and proceed to give baby f a little pep talk, host-to-fetus. I say, "Now, babe. Give me two hours. I've been a good incubator thus far so can you please just lock it up and give me a break? Let me eat and enjoy a full meal AND dessert, and then when we get home, you can reek havoc. Just give me two hours. Three if you're feeling really generous."
Instantly, the nausea stops, I'm able to pull myself together to look somewhat human-like, we go to dinner, and I'm able to scarf down with ravenous speed an entire plate of rigatoni buttera AND tiramisu. I leave dinner in a blissful food coma. I pull into our parking garage, I look in the mirror and say, "uh-oh." Baby allows me to make it to the bathroom just in time and then, as promised, immediately reeks havoc.
Hopefully I can add cooperation to the list of things that baby f already does come 9 am tomorrow. Spread 'em.
have a good size glass of o.j. before your appt tomorrow. gets the babe moving and you'll have better luck finding out the sex. penny definitely still made us wait a bit for the big reveal though :)
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