HBD Hottie 'BD' McHotterson
1. You make me laugh until I cry. And then when I am able to stop and finally catch my breath, you give me another reason to laugh, usually at you.
2. You don't judge me when my blood sugar drops and I become my evil twin, Christella. As you have so kindly put it, you understand that when I say that I need to eat, life should stop and we should immediately find me food.
3. You let me have the last bite, pick the restaurants, and always order dessert. It doesn't really matter that you only do these things because you're afraid of me otherwise. Again, Christella.
4. Your mind is as dirty as mine. We always get each others jokes. Refer back to number one.
5. You're good at not making me feel bad about being occasionally somewhat irrational. I like to think that you think it's cute, even endearing.
6. I cook. You eat and clean. I get off way easier in this situation because I tend to use every pot, pan, and utensil that we own. You stopped getting upset about that which makes me try to only use every other pot, pan, and utensil that we own. We're a work in synced progress, what can we say?
7. We've expanded each others' palettes. I've taught you to appreciate a twenty dollar block of cheese and the difference between Trader Joe's olive oil and the olive oil section at Dean & Deluca. You've taught me to know the difference between certain brands of tater-tots. Our relationship really is all about balance.
8. I turned you onto designer jeans and plaid hipster shirts. You're still trying to turn me onto your high-top socks with tennis shoes and shorts. You need to work a little harder, dearest.
9. You understand the importance of being right. Errr, wait. Correction: you understand the importance of ME being right.
10. We've never given up on each other, even when we've deserved it the least.
It's going to be a good year, Hottie. Here's to you.
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