taking stock | fall 15
eating | red meat. carnivore til i dieeeee.
drinking | so much water. also, it's red wine time, folks.
practicing | manual mode on my dslr. i've gotten lazy with it.
mastering | baking. i suck at it.
learning | to not embrace stress, worry, or the glorification of busy.
trying | chinese medicine and acupuncture. absolutely loving the results.
playing | lots of make believe with mo. it's a fun (and exhausting) stage.
finishing | all three seasons of elementary. i'm embarrassed at how hooked i am.
reading | this when it comes out because why not add myself to the list of sterotypical french-wannabees?
remembering | that mo's mood is typically indicative of my own. kid soaks up energy like it's her job.
wearing | articles of clothing which prompt mo to ask me, "mama, is that daddy's?"
cooking | stews, soups, and sauces.
working | on a book proposal.
traveling | to charleston on our first vacation as a family of four in october. god speed.
wanting | this coat for fall.
taking stock
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