oh, florida...
man, were you good to me. and you were especially good to my girl.
i can't even begin to really describe how badly this trip was needed- and not just for the sunshine, either, although that definitely didn't hurt matters. (a little glow looks good on everyone, right?)
we needed this trip because marlo and i were starting to feel off and, as the days have passed, we've felt less and less like a team and spent most of our time battling each other over the simplest everyday tasks. it's utterly exhausting and i'd be lying through my teeth if i said that it hasn't left me in an embarrassing amount of tears as of late.
i know a lot of the struggle is bound to happen because she's an impressively strong-willed little girl who has a mind of her own, who insists on doing everything on her own terms and won't take anyones' word for anything- particularly mine. but what bothered me was that the battling was all we were doing. it felt stifling and i worried that neither of us were actually enjoying each other at all.
and, quite simply, that just isn't okay with me.
and, so, we escaped.
we flew south like the birds to spend a few days with our friends, emily and lily, in their sweet little house with the ridiculous amount of natural light and an ample supply of princess dresses and strong coffee. we had only two items on the agenda: 1) get back to feeling like a team and, 2) have fun.
and that's exactly what we did.
and, of course, thank you, emily and lily, for hosting us. we miss you girls already.
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