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a swelteringly humid morning spent munching on doughnuts and prancing on the high-line with the ever-so-lovely, jocelyn. hot as hell but an undoubtedly pretty and lush twenty or so blocks. |
2. please read this hysterical article to understand why so many mothers are completely up in arms about the hypocrisy that is various social media platforms censoring breastfeeding mothers. it's an impossible lunacy to understand. my friend sent it to me this morning and i laughed my ass off. also, if you have a problem with a woman breastfeeding in public, here's an idea- don't. fucking. look. shocking concept, i know. also, if you understand why we mamas are so upset and roaring at the top of our lungs and feel compelled to help in some way, take a few minutes to read this petition (it isn't funny or hysterical) and please, please sign. it takes two minutes. maybe three if you're a slow reader.
4. can we revisit the doughnut situation for one hot second? the french lavender flower cake doughnut at doughnut plant is, quite literally, the best thing i've ever tasted. it doesn't taste like you're eating potpourri or laundry or anything even remotely remindful of your grandmother's house; rather, it's decadent but still light and floral but not in a field-of-wildflowers-kind-of-way. it's out of bounds. i had one this morning (did NOT share with marlo) and we've already decided to make the trek back into the city for another round of them tomorrow.
5. after the unending winter we were cursed with, i will not allow myself to complain about the summer heat that we've been rewarded with. i would never complain about the scorching summer heat that no rinky-dinky air conditioner can seem to keep up with- especially not one having twenty or so banana chips stuffed in its' vent by a pissed-off two year old. i promise i won't bitch about the godforsaken humidity that causes my cowlicks to do unkind things and my skin to
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