m + m | we be all matchy matchy


i always swore i wouldn't be that mom. but. i just can't help it.

on sunday evening when i came home, i had a few packages awaiting my arrival. as i pulled the items out of their boxes, i noticed that they looked eerily similar. it hit me that, unintentionally, i have absolutely become that mother. so, this spring, when you see the two of us in these exact outfits with matching top-knots and making the same expressions and saying words the exact same way, just know that i already know.

i. knooooow.


Katie Evans! said...

That pom pom tunic is a-mazing. I'll be matching you two as well.

the communal closet said...

can't wait to bump into you ladies on the streets this spring.

tina bumblebee said...

Ahhh I want all of that! It's perfect.


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