the 52 project | 07


"a picture of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."
i was unable to narrow it down to just one picture of you to share this week. which, i guess, is a bit ironic seeing as how you found it impossible to narrow it down to just one personality over the past seven days. i hear that this is normal and i find the reassurance quite motivating. i'm also told that this seven-sided personality means that you will one day grown into a well-rounded and multi-faceted young woman. luckily, i respect a girl who keeps people on their toes simply because they can. i know many people won't believe this but i have been told more than a few times that i've gotten that specific skill down to a scientific equation. but, you, modine, take things to an entirely new level of toe keeping and boundary pushing. i love you an immeasurable amount, marlo mclean, but you really exhaust the shit out of me. and, as evidenced from the bottom photo, you do a fairly decent job of exhausting yourself, too.


Bees_Circus said...

I'm pretty sure this is like a glimpse into the future of me with my youngest. Just remember, what doesn't kill you,makes you stronger ;)


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