3. watching joe dance with his aunt was not only the cutest thing in the world, but, also, quite possibly the sexiest. there's something so very sexy about a man who loves his family, isn't there? and as if the dancing wasn't enough to make me want to bone him, that man looks so damn fine in a suit and some scruff. is there anything better than a suit and some scruff? maybe scruffy joe in a suit holding our baby? okay. i need to stop. an alarm is about to go off somewhere.
4. who knew that a cooler, a salad spinner, and a bottle of maple syrup could be so entertaining?
5. this particular visit made it blindingly clear that i am not even close to wanting to live in the 'burbs again any time soon. it would appear that nyc is doing a mighty fine job of sucking me in and she doesn't seem to be loosening her reigns any time soon...
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