1. well, for starters, two words: robin thicke. particularly after seeing this youtube clip. any man who can make playing with children's musical instruments sexy is my kind of person. (ps. jimmy fallon is so adorable.) have you ever seen a man (or woman, for that matter) with so much swagger? swagger counts for a lot around these parts. it's the american version of je ne sais quoi. it's that quality that makes you look twice, and although you can't quite put your finger on what it is, it makes you want to know that person- and not necessarily in the biblical sense. it gives you the urge to learn what it is that makes them tick, where their source of that "certain something" comes from, and how you can soak even just a fifth of it up. swagger is just the sexiest.
2. what is it about sundays? i know a lot of people who live for fridays, but personally, i live for sundays. it's a day that is filled with endless options: long lunches and glasses of wine with new friends, market runs, walks to the park with our girl. laying in bed. something about sunday is so refreshing.
3. we ventured to brooklyn on saturday for a very sweet little four-year-old's birthday in prospect park and it was so lovely. my best friend- the birthday girl is her niece- even flew into town for the occasion which was such a treat! and although i think i over-exterted myself with all of the walking, i'm so glad we went. on our walks through park slope to and from the subway, i realized that moving to brooklyn is most definitely the right call. wide sidewalks, little-to-no tourists, and a general sense of community. december can't come soon enough.
4. mimi (my mom) is coming this afternoon to spend the week with us and help me out with mo since i can't keep up with her quite yet while i'm still in recovery. we are all so excited! she'll be in full-on mimi mode, i'll get to rest for another week, and i even have some fun things planned for us, bearing that i feel up for it. naturally, they all revolve around food. you know me.
5. recently, i watched an episode of amanda de cadenet's the conversation where miley was a guest. (exact episode in the link. ps- you should absolutely watch all of the episodes. they're really beautiful and uplifting. gwyneth paltrow and lady gaga are my two particular favorites.) as i watched the interview, i listened to a seemingly empowered young woman talk about how much control she had over her sexuality and how wonderful sex can be when it's done with mutual love and respect. i listened to a young woman not only own her sexuality, but embrace it, not hide it or be afraid of it or deny it. but last night, as i watched that same girl twerk all over a married man and gyrate on an unlucky and unsuspecting foam finger, i saw a desperate, sad, unfortunate young girl who behaved like anything but an empowered young woman. maybe i'm just getting old. no. no, that is absolutely not it. what i felt last night was just embarrassment for her, her fiancé, her family, robin thicke's wife, and young women everywhere.
*ps* yesterday at brunch at the smith, i had bacon. and not just bacon, but a blt with a fried egg on a croissant to be exact. and guess what? i didn't die! i'm surprised that i even made it eight days without bacon. and between you and me, eight days is eight days too many to live without bacon. i'm still off cheese for the time being and i surprisingly i don't miss it as much as i thought i would. i'm comfortable stating for the record that i'll take bacon over cheese any day of the week.
five things | swagger, brooklyn, and other nonsense
five things.
in my opinion.
love this post. and ps we call rio's grandma "mimi" too. Hash tag creepier and creepier same person stuff
I'm sorry but i need to comment again. i would do robin thicke to make a brother for rio.
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