a lucky girl


she's not yet aware of just how lucky she is.

but i am.

i'm very well aware.
why is she lucky, you ask?

she's lucky because she has a man who tells her that she's beautiful even when she's covered in dirt.

she's lucky because she has a man who believes that she's the funniest person he's ever met.

she's lucky because she has a man who shows her patience and kindness.

she's lucky because she has has a man who who makes her laugh and giggle uncontrollably.

she's lucky because she has the love of a man that is unconditional and unwavering.

she's lucky because she has a man who shows her mother respect and equality.

she's lucky because she has a man who appreciates her mothers' stubbornness and unpredictability.

she's lucky because she has a man who loves her mother, come hell and high-water.

she's lucky because she has a man who will value her as an individual.

she's lucky because she has a man who thinks that her scrunchy face is the best thing ever.

she's lucky because she has a man who is an amazing son, brother, husband, and friend.

she's lucky because she has a man who would drop everything to be there for his family.

she's lucky because she will one day never settle for anything but this type of love.

she's lucky because she will never have to know the heartbreak that only a father can cause.

she's lucky because joe is her dad.



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