A Move and A Bigger Girl


Marlo, 19 Weeks
Oh, man. This one here is getting so big. Her thighs seem to be growing by the minute and I am so proud of them. It's a bizarre sense of pride- seeing that my boobs keep her alive and all. The days spent with her are sometimes hard and beyond frustrating- particularly when you have avocado spat in your face or when she decides that the best time to poop for the first time in three days is IN THE TUB- but I just love this little biscuit more and more each day.

And can we talk about a laughing baby? If that isn't what the angels of heaven sound like, you can send me straight to you-know-where because it is by far the best sound in the entire world and I want to hear it forever.

Also, we're moving. Husband got accepted into NYU graduate school- go Joe!- so to Manhattan we go! We're probably insane moving with an infant but we're both so anxious and beyond excited for Marlo to grow up in an environment where there is so much exposure to many different walks of life. It's time for my little family to start a new chapter. I by no means think that this transition is going to be an easy one. It'll probably suck for a bit and I'm positive that I'll call my mom crying a few times, but, the opportunities that lie ahead of us far outweigh the tears that I am most definitely going to shed.

I just thought about everything that will have happened in the span of twelve months and holy hell we were busy. When we do it, we really do it.

Pregnant? Check.
Engaged? Check.
Married? Check.
Have baby? Check.
Move to NYC? Check.
Get pregnant again? Check.

Just kidding. My mom's heart just palpitated.



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