1. i know what it's like to need mental help so when i make a statement like i'm about to make, i am not making it lightly: KANYE WEST IS CRAZY. for a while, i hoped that it was all a publicity stunt and that he was just a narcissistic asshole. i still believe the latter is true. but he is legitimately crazy. i can't even begin to list the reasons that have led me to this conclusion but here and here are good places to start. (and please do not judge my sources of news. thanks.)
2. when joe and i pulled into the driveway early saturday evening, we were greeted by marlo sprinting full speed ahead. she screamed "mama! mama! mama! i missed you so much!!!" and jumped into my arms like she never has before. let me tell you something: it was better than anything i've ever felt before. you see, she is a bonafied daddy's girl. the man does no wrong in mo's eyes and i usually catch all of her side-eye, attitude, and turdy-ness. hearing her tell me that she actually missed ME was needed. and to say that i missed mo- even her side-eye, 'tude, and turdy-ness- is an understatement. she is such a piece of work, even on a good day, but she is, and has always been, my north star and, without her, i feel misguided and complete. needless to say, it's good to be home.
3. is teething the universe's way of humbling parents? i think it is and i also think that it's an asshole. i came back from vacation so well-rested, confident, and ready to dive head first into being the best mother i can be for my girls. then edie decided to cut four gd teeth. AT THE SAME TIME. all of that newfound confidence and feeling of recharge went straight out the flippin' window. very quickly, i was all i have nothing under control, i have zero chill, what do i do, omg help me please, please send wine and unicorn dust to somehow magically soothe my seemingly possessed kid. motherhood, y'all, keeping me on my toes and my desire to drink fully engaged.
4. i bought nigella lawson's newest cook book, simply nigella: feel good food, and y'all. it is really good and the recipes are simple. i rarely praise cookbooks because i very rarely follow recipes. (i'm incapable of following instructions in general and this is parlayed into my cooking.) i made her green tahini sauce that i searved with roasted veggies and flank steak last night and i made her thai turkey meatballs with green coconut curry veggies the night before that. both were really good. joe especially liked the curry and he is not typically a curry fan.
5. a pet peeve i recently discovered: i don't particularly enjoy people telling me i need to have more babies. or, more specifically, when i tell someone that we're done having kids and they tell me "not to make my mind up just yet." ummm. how about this: my uterus, my ovaries, my family, my business. and what's so wrong with only wanting two kids? why do people feel like it's just a normal segue into conversation? also, what would lead a person to think that they know what i want (or don't want) more than my husband or i know these things? it's very annoying. and borderline rude. so don't do this. *drops the mic*
five things | life lately
edie cooper.
five things.
honest motherhood.
marlo being marlo
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