37: you're pretty serious for the most part. but sometimes- a lot of times, actually- you have these moments that remind me just how much of a child you really are and you make me laugh like nothing else ever can. i hope you're always this much of an entertainer.
38: along with your childish endeavors, i've also been capturing little pieces of you that give me a glimpse of who you will be in the future. i see expressions that i swear you'll make when you're sixteen, thirty, and even fifty. like your lack of enthusiasm for a little girl who is yelling at you while you're on your beloved tire swing. or how unimpressed you are with me when someone makes a joke that you find to be less than funny. while these moments scare me because they showcase how much of your own person you already are, they also remind me that you'll always be my marlo, my baby. they promise me that even when you become a grown adult, you'll always be the same person i've known better than i know anyone.
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