san fran top five: 1. the weather is absolute perfection. 2. dinner at A16. get the burrata- it's northern italian simplicity absolutely perfected. 3. all of the color: that yellow door and those mint-painted bikes were my favorites. 4. the rainbow we saw on my birthday. 5. walking everywhere with nothing to do and no schedule to keep. such a luxury that i don't take for granted.
i didn't take as many photos as i thought i would but i'm okay with it. the truth is that i completely disconnected from everything and everyone, minus joe, while we were away and it was amazing. here are a few that i actually did manage to take in case you want to see more of our trip.

until next time, san fran...
(and there will absolutely be a next time.)
Ah, San Fran! I have yet to see her. My parents went there on their honeymoon, and my brother and his girlfriend traveled there a couple years ago. Hopefully a trip is in store soon.
Fantastic pictures!
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