when more than one person sends you this video and says that you immediately popped up in their heads? well... frankly it could mean a few things and i doubt that any are things that one should or would brag about.
except me, of course.
1. i apologize in advance for my resemblance to one benjamin 'bubba' buford blue, but here are some of my favorite ways to eat bacon: an ultimate and classic BLT, candied bacon, bacon dark chocolate, loaded onto a five guys burger, actually on any sandwich, for that matter. i love locally made bacon mayonnaise, the classic bacon and eggs, bourbon- maple-bacon ice cream, bacon and maple ale, bacon vodka in a bloody mary, a bacon cupcake, in the ultimate mac and cheese, and, last but not least, just as a little midday snack. an afternoon delight, if you will.
2. if anyone wants to buy me this book, i'd gladly accept it. no, i am not kidding. and, yes, this book is real.
3. i once tried to become a vegetarian. keyword: tried. synonyms: failed. i had dreams about bacon for weeks where i could actually smell ol' wilbur frying up in the skillet. i took that as a sign that i just wasn't meant to be a vegetarian. ever.
4. i gave birth to the only human in the world who could possibly love bacon more than me. it's the only thing she won't share. i can't blame her.
5. turkey bacon is not bacon. it just isn't. i've tried. i've tried very hard, in fact. but it's just. not. bacon.
I'm so hungry!
Now I know exactly what to get you for your birthday...
There must be something magic about bacon and toddlers b/c our little who will not eat meat makes a singular exception for bacon. mmmmmmmmm
My only thought after watching the video and reading your post...did you buy the bacon bowl?
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