contrary to the judgmental glares that i receive from other mothers at the playground or park, it's okay to let your kid chase the pigeons. or let her sit on the sidewalk and play in the dirt. or get grass stains on her white romper while she picks individual blades of grass. or simply just get dirty. because, you know what, judgemental and stuffy parents, i can guarantee my kid had way more fun than yours did at the park. i mean, look at that face! (however, i do draw the line at letting marlo eat the dirt and small rocks or actually catch the pigeons. just in case you were wondering.)
on friday afternoon, marlo and i ventured out to brooklyn for a play date and picnic in prospect park with a good friend and her two very sweet littles. marlo walked around with her toes in the grass, rolled around (literally) with the babes, chased after bubbles, and stuffed her face full of fresh strawberries. being able to watch your baby be so carefree and genuinely joyful has to be the biggest perk of motherhood. there aren't many things that come even close to that feeling.
happy monday, everyone!
oh yes, the glares. i know them so well. but don't care either. because, like you said, look at those faces. i guess, aurélie and marlo would be very good friends. i let you know, if one day we plan a trip to nyc :-)
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