It's my birthday. I've already gotten so much love from so many people and it can make a girl a little weepy...
I try to count my blessings everyday but sometimes, I get a little lazy. Today I want to appreciate the people that give me a reason to smile everyday. Thanks for making me laugh, thanks for letting me cry, and thank you for being in my life. Thanks for making me who I am. I am well aware of how lucky I am to be surrounded by not only people who care, but people who care enough to tell me no.
So, to my family, my friends, and my foes, thanks for making my twenty-four years so kick-ass.
OK. Enough sappy crap. Where's my pint of Guinness...
Happy, happy belated birthday and I am so happy to see you are blogging again (and have been for some time so now I get to go back and read a lot of your fabulouness). For your birthday, I celebrate your passion, spunk, compassion, and smarts. You rock, CC.
Aww thanks Rosie!
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