As many opportunities as this country offers, along with them comes a huge liability. There are still people another world away fighting- and dying- for us who want nothing more than to be home with their families. So as we're watching fireworks, they're watching fireworks of a different nature. As we're downing blood orange margaritas and eating steaks and guacamole (my personal favorites), they're drinking government sponsered Jack Daniels and eating dehydrated t.v. trays of fake meat. As we're sitting around with all of our loved ones, they're firing weapons at people they've never met. Regardless of your political beliefs, religion, race, or sexual orientation, the fact that there are people fighting for me, for us- fighting just like we did over 200 years ago for our Independence- should remain a prominent thought in our minds this weekend.
It should remain a very thankful thought in our minds, always.
Happy 4th to all my loved ones!
that's quite beautiful.
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