an anniversary of sorts


today marks an anniversary of sorts. we've officially been in new york for one full year.

and, holy shit, we survived. just barely.

when i reflect on who i was when we first stepped off of that plane and arrived to manhattan twelve months ago, i feel as though i'm thinking of a stranger. i'm no longer that woman. who i am now after being here for one year is someone i'm proud of; someone who i can say has worked very hard to have come this far emotionally, mentally, and physically.

i've never been so grateful for struggle and the passage of time. i'd never in one million more years trade the lessons that life dealt me through the sometimes painful process of adjusting to life here in new york without everything that made me feel so comfortable and safe. it was hard. and, occasionally, it still is.

but i love our new little corner of brooklyn and our tiny warehouse apartment. i love our cobblestone streets and our tiny market and our local coffee shop whose employees know marlo and me by name.
i am in love with my life here and everyone who i'm lucky enough to have in it. and more than anything, i love the memories that i've made with my little family.

here's to many, many more... many more years and much more time.

*lucy & steven, we are so grateful for your friendship and love you both so much. thank you for capturing our family exactly as we are... imperfect, silly, and real. we will cherish these forever.


Unknown said...

glad to have you in our our borough and lives xo

nicole gonzalez said...

The perfect post. So happy to have you in our NYC life :) Love you mama!

Leigh said...

prettiest pics! you guys look blissed out, in love with the place and each other :)

Andrea @ The Long Way Home said...

These pictures are just beautiful! Happy NYC anniversary!


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